For every pain, there is a purpose

Despite our choices in life,

God is always working something out

*             *             *

Pain sometimes comes as a result of bad choices

Other times, it comes to teach us something

There are also times it comes as a result of design;

As part of the piece of a puzzle

For us not to question pain or be too hard on ourselves or ask where we went wrong,

We need insight, foresight or maybe just sight

To be able to see all the pictures

(the bigger picture and the picture right before your eyes)

In all, what keeps us going is faith;

Strong belief in the faithfulness of God and his inability to disappoint us or abandon ship

On him knowing what’s best and working everything out for our good

Isaiah 49:15

Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee

Happy Sunday

Love, Deedee


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