Tips on how to ACTUALLY go on that Trip

Firstofust, let’s talk about why you need that trip.
The bible says meat is made for the body not vice versa. What does this mean? You are not here to serve life but here for life to serve you so stop working like a donkey and take that relaxation trip already. “drops mic”

“Picks mic back up”

For those that really truly want to vacation this year, here’s how
First off, are you going alone or with your crew? Go alone if you don’t have crew. If you have crew, hope it’s the crew that you can be yourself with and not the one that y’all are struggling to impress the other.
Secondly, what are your incomes like? Don’t go and cut your neck or do unscrupulous things because you must travel to Santorini Island this year. Advice for free; don’t save more than 20% of your monthly income for this proposed trip.
Based on the above, choose a destination
Let’s assume we are choosing Cape Verde, since that’s the trending vacation spot and it doesn’t require a visa to visit.
Give yourself/yourselves at least six months to plan for it. This is so it doesn’t cause any financial strain on you.  
Look for travel agencies like … will find the most affordable flights and hotels too for the period of your stay. Tripadvisor on Google can also help you out with that.
Hotel bookings can be searched for on Google map or search for an airbnb host in the city you are travelling to….a host will be a better decision if you are going with your crew, it will also be a lot cheaper. However, if you are going alone, a hotel room will be okay for you.
Next is food and internal movement costs.
Add the cost of these individual items and let’s say we come up to 3,000,000 NGN (your crew) and 1,000,000 NGN (alone). Big money right?
Well, this is January and we are yet to receive our January paycheck so we divide 1 million naira by 11 months (January to November) that should give us approximately 100k every month….so you open an account for travel savings and make sure the crew deposits that amount of money in the account every month….so when its December, no one is looking to borrow money or the trip isn’t going to be cancelled because times are hard
That is like the toughest part of the planning. The other parts is to pick a date and clear your schedule if it means closing your shop for that period or applying for a leave or taking permission from your husband or father to travel.  
Another thing to do is, plan your vacation activities.
It’s always good to plan your activities ahead so that you have an amazing time there.
Let me paint a scenario.
You and your crew travel with the intent of going with the wind. On arrival, one person decides to do a late night movies while another person wants to club. These disparities might case a hitch in the vacation but when everything is pre planned, everyone knows what’s for when and prepares adequately hence no cause for tension. This also helps you to pack and shop right…not shoprite o
However, these plans are not going to be rigid, there will be room for tweaking when the wind blows right.
How do you know what activities to plan for and also know where e dey happen?
Google is your friend. Google map is like one of the most underrated apps on Google. It comes in handy when it comes to everything location connected plus there are numbers there to call and so on. This also applies to Nigeria based vacations.
Talking about Nigeria based vacations; there are many amazing affordable spots to visit in Nigeria. Just make sure you visit somewhere you haven’t been to before and with a different culture from what you’re familiar with. Northerners visit the south (Brass Island is an amazing place). Southerners, visit the North (Yankari Game Reserve is a sight to behold, I hope till now)
Lastly, what a pre-planned vacation does to your psych is that it makes you work harder and happier because of the price of a vacation you are looking forward to.
I must advice though that this vacation must not be at the end of the year. What if your business booms most at the end of the year? My friend sit your ass down and make that money, then when people are complaining about January Harmattan, you’ll be chilling somewhere in Seychelles, eating the fruit of your labor at an even cheaper rate because non festive periods are cheaper for travels, vacations and all.
I almost forgot, don’t forget to carry extra money to do your personal shopping and buy bread for all the people that liked and commented on the picture you posted at the beach in Rio de janeiro.
I hope this helped you. And I hope to get feedback from you.
Love Deedee. XOXO  


  1. Yes, it helped a lot. Especially the part of not waiting till the end of the year!


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