When you want something and ask for it from the universe, the universe gives it to you alongside a distraction. The universe does this to be assured of what you truly want. The first time I heard those words (paraphrased) were from the delectable female rap artist and poet, Eva Alordiah. I was still ruminating on those words and trying to question the school of thought when it happened to me, two days after. A friend who I just met and who was also my editor at the moment sent me an invite to a literary event; a book review. There were going to be a lot of amazing writers and a guest speaker who was a renowned author. It was his book that was to be reviewed. I had just moved into the city and had dedicated that period of my life to writing seriously. I wanted to meet people in my niche and interact with them, you know, you city, new friends. I wanted that fresh air and vibe for a story I was yet to complete. I had always longed to be in that kind of space. So, getting an invite f...