Nice pictures don’t make you a beautiful person
Trendy clothes don’t make you an important person
They are nothing but candy to the eyes
It is the way you have affected (positive) a soul that makes you beautiful
They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Who is the beholder?
The person who has benefited off your love and influence in their lives
I see a lot of “I love the woman I’m becoming” posts on the media
Accompanied by amazing digital photographs
Stop there!
 This isn’t about the female gender
But let me ask.
This woman you are becoming
Is she the one that now (whether she can afford it or not) wears makeup, trendy clothes, accessories to match and money to do a photo shoot?
And is that all she is?
News flash!
Anyone can do and be that
Even the bible says, let our adorning not be in the wearing of jewelries and expensive cloths but in the quality of our heart, our spirit, our character.
This translates to, “It is not the outward show of material things that makes one a person of substance but the expression of life-saving and life-transforming acts emanating from the inside that makes you beautiful.
Have you ever heard, “this girl fine oh, but her character too bad” and “this babe no too fine but she be one in a million”?
To be fair on the ladies, have you also heard? “This guy fine die but nothing come out” as opposed to “he’s not fine o but he has a great personality
So who should the man/woman you’re becoming be?

Kind. Compassionate. Mature. Exposed. One who embraces growth and improvement. Mentally stable and the list goes on in my head.
Don’t carry a bitter heart and messed up mind with beautiful face and come and say “I love the woman I’m becoming”. It’s a lie. You don’t love her. You cry every night because you hate that you’re stuck with her and you don’t know how to change. If only you could channel that energy you used in picking out that perfect dress and shoe to match and the sleepless nights you had thinking about the color of earrings to wear and money that left your account for makeup at ibikis place  .....If only you could channel that energy to bettering yourself, looking for a therapist, forgiving and letting go of all the hurt, being true to yourself…by now you would have been truly proud of the woman you are even without a photo shoot to show the world. Same goes to the men.
Where is this rant heading towards? 
As much as we take so much time working on the outside to make it presentable and attractive, we should double the energy and time on working on the inside to make it sane and humane.
Let me paint a picture in your heart.
I come visiting at your home and you tell me to choose between the only two cups left in the house so you can serve me a bottle of wine. Cup A is clean and sparkly on the outside but dirty with molds on the inside. Cup B is dirty with oil stains on the outside but sparkly on the inside. Even though I’m really thirsty, I’ll either drink from the wine bottle no matter how uncouth that might seem or I’ll drink my saliva till I get home.
A rant is enough for the wise.

Love Deedee


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