So I went for the test. The HIV test I mean.
I hadn’t been tested in over two years so I decided to visit UPTH and get it done.
Like I mentioned in one of the episodes on SIT, most people have a long list of reasons why it is not necessary to do a test including not having the virus. But here are a few things I learnt from going to get tested.
The procedure for testing is in four stages:
Pre-test counseling
The test
The result 
Post-test counseling
The overall takes not more than 20 minutes.
No matter how confident you are of you're status, a few seconds before the session, you're likely to get goose bumps 
Just look at me 

Extra tip: go with a friend if you’re scared and please be honest with the health personnel.
During the pre-test counseling, I was asked personal, intimate and embarrassing questions. But I had to be honest. And the session helped me know my wrong practices and resolve to do better.
A few of the questions I can remember are:
How many sexual partners have you had in the past two years or since your last test?
This refers to all the people you have slept with in that space of time..
Do you use protection during sex?
This refers to vaginal, anal, oral and any other kind of sex that i don't know or haven't mentioned..
Do you know your partner’s status?
All the people you've had sex with, including one night stands 
Do you know your partner’s sexual history?
They might have been sexually irresponsible, so you need to know...
Have you knowingly or unknowingly put yourself at risk of getting the virus maybe from your work or other unsafe practices you involve in?

Afterwards I was taught the simple ways of prevention;
The ABC method; Abstinence, be careful, use a condom

But this doesn’t solve the problem for cheating spouses. So if you suspect your spouse is cheating but you love him/her too much to leave then please, by all means, use a condom with him/her.
Also, be careful when it comes to personal belongings, don’t share at all. I hear that people still share toothbrushes, maybe in the name of phileo or eros love….
If you are a medical personnel, I shouldn’t be speaking to you about safety
It is best to abstain o but if you cannot please stick to one partner that is willing to stick to one partner.
The test…….
It takes less than 10 minutes after which you see the result yourself

Then the post counseling
I was advised to always carry a condom around even as a lady so in case the guy runs out of condom, there will be no story for the gods. It doesn’t make one a slut, it makes you someone responsible enough to be intentional about her safety.
Invite your partner for a test, if the partner refuses, use your head.
When you meet someone new, ask the person how many partners he or she currently has; this seems like a psychotic question but it's okay to be crazy about your safety.
Avoid those guys or girls that say, I don’t like condom. Be wise
Sex is not the only way to contract the virus but the most rampant way. One can get it through kissing in case the partner has herpes (sore in mouth) which is one of the most common infections.

Well, my test result came out negative as you can see in my smile. Praise Master Jesus. When are you going for yours?
In case it had come out positive, I would have been put on a lifelong drug which is free and can give birth to a HIV free child.
But it’s not my portion in Jesus name, not yours too, that’s why you should be careful and practice these preventive measures.

That's a picture of me looking down on the devil after I won this battle.
And that’s how I caught the virus of spreading the message of safety; I tell almost everyone i see to use protection. 
That's all for now.
If you have more questions concerning this topic, send me an email so I can refer you to a health specialist.

Love Deedee


  1. Nice one. We shall keep looking down on the devil in Jesus’ name.

  2. 🤣🤣🤣 I know who you are, anonymous


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