Buckets I’ve never really liked them First thing that comes to mind when that word is mentioned is Boarding school Imiringi Those iron buckets (as we called them) that seniors give you to fetch water with after which you see red swollen lines on your frail palms after two rounds Or When we as children had to go across the road to fetch water with paint buckets to fill our drum at home because we hadn’t dug a borehole yet….it was a few years after mama kicked the bucket Another bucket again I never understood why everyone was crying I thought they said she went to heaven, probably on an errand…maybe Jesus wanted to feature her in his new song Because the last letter we wrote her got a reply of “I am well now. I will soon be with you again. Last night was the best night of my life. I was singing with the angels in heaven” I got to realize a few months later that she kicked the bucket Damn you bucket Damn you. So that’s why I never ...