Nimi caused our first fight

Oh Nimi!!! Don't stop...... Harder, please With a smirk of satisfaction on my face Those were the phrases and the expression that led to our first real quarrel after one year of living together somewhat peacefully, if I do say so myself. I can't tell which is funnier...the fact that I was in total denial of saying those words in the first place or the point where I remembered and found myself saying, "it's not what you think..... I can explain" while laughing. Laughing at an angry man that felt betrayed and taken for granted by his lovely wife wasn't cool at all. Babe, who is Nimi? I'm not joking oh. Who is Nimi? I can't believe you're cheating on me. I just can't, that's why I need an explanation. Who is Nimi? He interrogated.... I eventually put myself together and explained what truly happened but he wasn't buying it. The problem is, I wasn't selling it either; it was simply the truth. Oya lemme tell you what hap...