Where have I been?

I just feel I need to explain. There was no writers block or anything tragic. There was just a crazy ass, draining 8-5. Talk about means to an end. I came back exhausted almost everyday. And there were other extra curricula activities. Funny enough, I had a lot to write about. I even had a journal which I documented on every other day. But Fam, no time to enter internet. So, I apologize. I've not quit my job yet, but I will soon do so. Because I didn't come to this life to suffer like that. And I miss blogging. Funny thing is, in the middle of all this stress, I met the love of my life, got engaged and we are already planning the ceremony. I'm going to be a godmother soon too. Can't wait to meet Mateo. I didn't travel last December because of corona even though I saved up, plus I didn't get a break at work. In fact, I officially started the new year this past Monday. I finally wrote do...