What’s this talk I hear about nakedness? Why do we treat a gift like an abomination? What’s this talk I hear about nakedness? It’s our mind we need to fix In the beginning, “they” were naked Adam and eve In that same beginning They had communion (fellowship) with the father, NAKED Then the serpent came And their eyes opened But they weren’t blind before So let me rephrase Their mind opened And they sought to cover up They saw nakedness as something shameful Even God wasn’t pleased That’s why he asked “Who told you you’re naked?” So you see this talk about nakedness? It’s our mind we need to fix I hear your thoughts “Times have changed, this is a new age” That’s true but Yesterday, a child was born, naked I could see the joy in your faces All you saw was a child in her purest form, NAKED Until you covered her up Cos’ cold and other external harmful factors Three months down the line One uncle trie...